What We Provide

Each semester, we accept students that demonstrate passion for entrepreneurship and commitment to work on ventures. Through our stage based process, we help them formulate ideas, find co-founders, and accelerate through the early stages of the entrepreneurship process.

We host weekly workshops led by industry founder experts to teach our cohort how to validate their ideas, test their products, and pitch to investors. We also have a network of experienced mentors who are dedicated to providing teams with custom advising.

As the hub of student-led entrepreneurship presence on campus, we host speaker events and social networking sessions that bring together students from outside of the program to strengthen the innovative culture of Tufts University.
semesters in operation
Cohort Graduates
Funding Granted
Companies founded
Hear from our former cohort
Because of the lessons and amazing speakers who gave me real world-experience I was able to take my business to a whole new level!
Spring 2022 Cohort Member
Spring 2022 Cohort Member
Through interactive discussions with entrepreneurial experts, JumboVentures taught me how to create and pitch a business effectively. Even more, I made invaluable connections to many entrepreneurs at Tufts.
Fall 2021 Cohort Member
Jumbo Ventures has been a great way for me to meet like-minded entrepreneurs at Tufts and share ideas. I really enjoyed our weekly speakers from experts in the field and I feel as if it has helped me grow and further frame myself as an entrepreneur!
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